Hello, I’m Hieu.

I help community-based organizations and large systems build meaningful relationships and partner to better serve the community and achieve positive impact.

Services Offered

  • Strategic Partner

    I’m a strategic thinker, apply a systems and holistic approach, and collaborative in practice. I’m your thought partner to thing through a proposal or project. I can also support with your next strategic planning process.

  • Facilitator

    Whether it’s facilitating a meeting or large event, I bring a social and interactive approach to ensure your objectives are met and people leave feeling accomplished. Creatng a welcoming, safe, and inclusive space for all is at the core of my facilitation.

  • Community Convener

    I provide community engagement strategies to meet your specific needs and scope. Whether it’s engaging the community short-term or long-term, I hold deep relationships with cross-sector organizations serving diverse populations. I support community planning and participatory needs accessments and engagment activities.

  • Clinical Consultation and Coaching

    As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I support individuals or organizations seeking clinical supervision. Merging my clinical, personal, and professional experiences, my coaching services support emerging professionals, non-profit leaders, and those in transition seeking clarity.

My Approach


I believe in the power of collaboration to achieve meaningful desired outcomes. As an extension of your team, I immerse myself in your vision and goals. I work closely with you to develop outcomes that not only reflect your desired goals but also exceeds your expectations.

Systems Thinking and Holistic

I take a systems thinking and holistic approach in partnership with you to ensure a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the problem you are trying to solve, devise solutions that address root causes, and take actions that align with your desired outcomes. We will work together to refine and fine-tune identified solutions, leaving no detail overlooked.

Social Justice and Equity Lens

My approach is rooted in social justice and equity principles to uplift communities most impacted. By centering equity, inclusivity, and empowerment in my consulting support, I help organizations break barriers, advocate for change, and ensure everyone they serve has equal access to resources and services. Different communities have different needs and require unique responses and interventions. With my services we can ensure your desired outcomes are thoughtful and responsive. One size does not fit all.

Equity in OC Initiative

As a Principle Investigator of a Center for Disease Prevention and Control grant, and Director of the Equity in OC Initiative, I led a 23M dollars multi-year county-wide effort to advance health equity in Orange County by addressing social determinants of health in vulnerable communities. The Initiative achieved this through enhanced cross-sector collaboration and partnership, increased collective capacity and power across diverse stakeholders, and improved infrastructure and community mechanisms to impact change.

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Be Well OC

Be Well OC is an initiative to transform the mental health system in Orange County through public private partnerships across sectors. As a Director of System of Care, I convened and facilitated collaborative planning efforts, strategic alignment across focus areas, and devised action plans to advance the initiative’s goals and mission. The initiative addresses stigma reduction, prevention and early intervention, crisis response, and systems and programs alignment.

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Program Design & Implementation

I’ve developed and implemented numerous large-scale programs and initiatives across different sectors to improve healthcare access and the well-being of vulnerable communities. At a county level, I created an LGBTQ+mental health program using the community health worker model. At L.A. Care, the largest public health plan in the U.S., I led and created multiple programs. They include: a transgender health program, an electronic behavioral health program for primary care to increase mental health care and access, and a data matching initiative to identify homeless Medi-Cal members to improve service provision.

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What People are Saying

“It’s a joy to work with someone who has such passion and commitment to supporting others. Hieu is a strategic thinker who listens deeply and is empathetic, this allows him to creatively come up with ideas and solutions. As a leader, he fosters a supportive and inclusive culture that values diverse perspectives and encourages risk taking…pushing others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.”

-Jacqueline Tran, DrPH-Independent Consultant

“Hieu is such an inspiring leader! He has big ideas and knows how to execute. When he asked OCUW to help administer the Equity in OC initiative, he made it easy to say yes. His passion to help people shows through but he also can handle the tough situations with humor and grace. It was an honor to partner with Hieu!” 

-Susan B. Parks, President & CEO-Orange County United Way

“Hieu has an impeccable work ethic, and his many talents are what stand him apart from other community leaders. Hieu approaches each situation, task, and/or strategy differently but it is consistent in that he gives you all of his energy and thoughtfulness to identifying solutions that will benefit the community. I have the utmost respect and admiration for his tenacity, candor, and his relentless pursuit for a just and equitable Orange County. 

-Carol Kim, Senior Director, Orange County United Way

“Hieu is an equity trailblazer.  His lived experience, education, professional experience, creativity, and passion help address inequities but, more importantly, work toward systematic change.  Hieu has helped guide peers to be inclusive, empathetic, creative, and bold to advocate for change.  Hieu’s infectious personality and passion also make you feel valued and push us to continue to advance equity.’

-Mario Ortega, Chief Executive Officer, Abrazar, Inc.

"Hieu has a deep love for people. It is evident when he includes as many people as possible in the work, encourages them, incorporates their ideas, and then make something magical happens. Hieu is a true leader.”

-Eddie Turner, Senior Project Director-Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Get in Touch!

Schedule a free 1:1 exploratory session with me to discuss your consultation and support needs.


  • First things first, reach out. We'll start with an exploratory conversation to determine your consultation and support needs (and if we'll make great collaborators/partners).

  • What sets HN Consulting, Inc. apart from other consulting businesses is a unique blend of expertise, lived experience, and deep connection to the social, political, and cultural landscape of Orange County (OC). As consultants of color with personal and professional insights into the challenges faced by diverse communities, we bring a nuanced perspective and a deep commitment to social justice and solidarity. We bring a holistic perspective that considers solutions and actions from various angles. Our values encompass:

    Authenticity: We believe in genuine, transparent, and meaningful engagement with and between communities and systems.

    Social, Political, and Cultural Competency: Being homegrown in OC, we possess an intimate understanding of the local community's needs, aspirations, and barriers. This contextualized understanding of OC enables us to navigate complex issues, build trust with diverse stakeholders, and facilitate authentic engagement with underrepresented communities. We are invested in the success of every project because we tailor solutions to the specific context of the community, ensuring relevance and impactful outcomes.

    Intersectional Approach: Recognizing the intersectionality of social issues, we take a multifaceted approach to projects, acknowledging how factors like race and ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and geography can intersect to create unique challenges and opportunities for communities.

    Collaboration: We value partnerships and collaborations to create sustainable solutions and high impact. This value is rooted in the belief that as a community, we are powerful together.

    Empathetic Engagement: At HN Consulting, Inc., we prioritize building authentic relationships with clients and communities. Through empathetic listening, trauma-informed practices, and culturally responsive approaches, we create safe spaces for dialogue, collaboration, and innovation. We understand the importance of involving the community to foster buy-in and develop sustainable solutions.

    Impact: Moving beyond how much and what more is done, we measure success by the positive impact that are long lasting and meaningful in communities most impacted by unfair and unjust systems.

    By combining my deep roots in OC, with diverse perspectives and experiences, and a social justice-driven approach, HN Consulting, Inc. stands out as a consulting business dedicated to catalyzing positive change, promoting equity, and centering community and organizations for impact.

  • Our fees depend on the type of consulting services and support you’re seeking. We structure our fees depending on the type, length, and scope of work. We are agreeable to an hourly, daily, or fixed fee. Let’s talk and see what’s best for our work together.

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